Dear friends, Gouvia's colleagues are organizing a tent with medical and health personnel in the Marina of Gouvia, to perform antigenic swabs for those who need to return to Italy as early as the evening of Monday 14 or Tuesday 15 June. It is therefore urgent that all boats notify us of the number of people on their crew who will need to be swab and when they should do this swab (Monday in the early afternoon or Tuesday morning). It is important to provide Gouvia with these data as an adequate number of buffers and reagents will have to be prepared to develop them, as well as define the numbers, as accurately as possible, of how many will want to do it on Monday or Tuesday, based on the timing of their return to Italy.

On this occasion, again for organizational reasons, it would also be useful to know how many of you will need to have a molecular swab here in Brindisi, before departure. Friday 11th afternoon and Saturday 12th morning.

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Thank you, waiting for your answers, fair winds and following seas,

Fabrizio Maltinti

Greek Government Covid Rules

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Passenger Locator Form (PLF)

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Boats arriving in Greece rules

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COVID19, self certification Form

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